
The “One China” Policy Revisited

Eisuke Suzuki Donald Trump stunned the world by suggesting that the “One China” policy be questioned. He spoke to Ms. Tsai Ing-wen and referred to her as “the President of Taiwan.” She called him on December 3, 2016 to wish him congratulat…


鈴木英輔 ドナルド・トランプ氏は米国の次期大統領となることが決定された直後に、「一つの中国」政策の見直しを示唆して世界を驚愕させました。台湾の蔡英文総統が大統領選の勝利の祝辞を伝える電話会談で、「台湾の総統」と公式名で呼んだからです。もちろ…

CNN and Alternative Facts

Eisuke Suzuki Kellyanne Conway #kellyannePolls is correct in saying “alternative facts”. Somebody must conclude “a certain piece of information” has “objective reality.” There are many observers who pontificate “objective reality” as facts…

Taiwan is not part of China

Taiwan is not part of China. President-elect Donald Trump’s statement that the One-China policy is up for negotiations, I believe, has reasonable ground in United States policy toward China. Let’s review the time line more carefully: (a) I…


「警察官職務執行法」と準用を止め、自衛隊法第95条の改正を 鈴木英輔 本書『矛盾だらけの日本の安全保障―「専守防衛」では日本は守れない』は、元陸上自衛隊幕僚長であった冨澤暉氏と高名な老練ジャーナリストの田原総一朗氏との対談です。もともとこの対談…